South Software Corp. Internal Conflict Cloud

South Software Corp. Internal Conflict Cloud

B: Not allow defective software to be given to customer with bugs and later deliver the promised functioning system.
D: Tell Senior VP about the Major Bugs
A: Keep a Business Running
Click on the icons on the arrows to see assumptions and injections
C: Allow all employees to keep their jobs and avoid the negative consequences of project delays, also fulfill the one-month delivery deadline to the customer.
D': Not Contact Upper Management and Allow the Software to be Sent Out

In order to Keep a Business Running I must Not allow defective software to be given to customer with bugs and later deliver the promised functioning system. and in order to Not allow defective software to be given to customer with bugs and later deliver the promised functioning system. I must Tell Senior VP about the Major Bugs. But, in order to Keep a Business Running I must also Allow all employees to keep their jobs and avoid the negative consequences of project delays, also fulfill the one-month delivery deadline to the customer. and in order to Allow all employees to keep their jobs and avoid the negative consequences of project delays, also fulfill the one-month delivery deadline to the customer. I must Not Contact Upper Management and Allow the Software to be Sent Out. I can't both Tell Senior VP about the Major Bugs and Not Contact Upper Management and Allow the Software to be Sent Out.

D-D'• Contacting just the Project Manager isn’t an option
• There’s no way to try to fix the bug with ITC without contacting management.
• That another individual won’t find the bug before being sent out to the customer.
• Present the idea to just the Project Manger first.
• Try talking to the team about the ethical issue individually instead of in group form. There might be others in the group that agree with you on one side.
• Contact ITC and see how to fix the bug and how quickly it can be done.
• Attempt to fix the bug yourself.
B-D• The Senior VP will hold honesty and integrity values and WANT to stop the shipment of the software (but there is a possibility that the Senior VP could be corrupt and say “Send it anyways!”)
• Senior VP will be upset to find out there is a bug in the software (even though it was not a bug created by SSC)
• Look into SSC’s Code of Conduct.
• Look into the Senior VP previous history of ethics.
• Provide proof that the bug was in ITC’s module and have ready to present if decision to contact Senior VP is made.
C-D'• Upper management will be upset with SSC employees (even though it is ITC fault).
• Upper management will threaten the jobs of the employees including the project manager.
• The project manager would think the same way in the fact that “my job is at risk if I tell Senior VP”.
• Your prediction of this bugs causing problems at the customer’s facility are 100% accurate.
• Fixing the bug will take a significant amount of time and cause the project to be delayed.
• Provide proof that the bug will provide significant damage to the customer ready went presenting to Project Manager, Team, and Senior VP
• Research how long fixing the major bugs could take.
A-B- A business can only function for so long if not producing quality products
- If a business continues to give out non-functioning products, they will lose clients.
- Send out post delivery surveys to clients to see how well their softwares worked.
A-C- Deadlines should be met to keep happy, returning customers.
- Employees are needed to run a business.
- Happy employees work better and harder.
- Customers may understand why deadlines weren't met and still return.
- Honest employees are needed to run a business, not ones that hide things from management.
- Holding employees accountable for their actions won't cause them to be unhappy necessarily.

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