SSC Case Study Milestone 3

I am a member of a four-person, self-managing team at SSC who is working on a project called APS. One of the core modules that was developed by an externally contracted company has been discovered to have major bugs which will cause delays. Should I or should I not report the conflict to the VP who has been known to lay off workers due to delays?

B: Remain transparent and be honest with my work and my team/company.
D: Inform the VP of the delays at hand to uphold our company's reputation.
A: Complete a worthwhile project that will uphold our reputation and remain working with this company.
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C: Ensure job security for myself and my team.
D': Provide an incomplete project and put the blame on the externally contracted company.

In order to Complete a worthwhile project that will uphold our reputation and remain working with this company. I must Remain transparent and be honest with my work and my team/company. and in order to Remain transparent and be honest with my work and my team/company. I must Inform the VP of the delays at hand to uphold our company's reputation.. But, in order to Complete a worthwhile project that will uphold our reputation and remain working with this company. I must also Ensure job security for myself and my team. and in order to Ensure job security for myself and my team. I must Provide an incomplete project and put the blame on the externally contracted company.. I can't both Inform the VP of the delays at hand to uphold our company's reputation. and Provide an incomplete project and put the blame on the externally contracted company..

D-D'It will not result in the most ethical standpoint from my team as a whole and the company. Our VP would not agree with providing an incomplete project no matter the circumstance. Solely telling the VP would result in possible layoffs.Informing the VP as a group and telling him exactly what went wrong from our own standpoint, not blaming anyone in particular from our group.
B-DI use the most ethical standpoint when it comes to my hard work.
I want there to be no issues with integrating a project we have spent months on.
Informing the VP would not be as productive and relative as previously thought.
C-D'Informing the VP has resulted in previous layoffs.
There will be no negative impact on the current reputation with the customer at hand.
I was not aware at the time of the project that using an externally contracted company would be an unusual, irregular course of action to complete the work done.

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