New Role

New Role

B: Develop a leaner ERP Process
D: Reform my business's ERP Process
A: Become a valuable asset to my company or other companies in the future
Click on the icons on the arrows to see assumptions and injections
C: Finish school with a stronger GPA
D': Do my best in my last five classes

In order to Become a valuable asset to my company or other companies in the future I must Develop a leaner ERP Process and in order to Develop a leaner ERP Process I must Reform my business's ERP Process. But, in order to Become a valuable asset to my company or other companies in the future I must also Finish school with a stronger GPA and in order to Finish school with a stronger GPA I must Do my best in my last five classes. I can't both Reform my business's ERP Process and Do my best in my last five classes.


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