Adjusting delivery schedules to meet demand

Adjusting delivery schedules to meet demand

B: Improve the profitability of the division and the plant.
D: Modify the entire production schedule to meet a lucrative customer's needs.
A: Provide fast, reliable products to all customers.
Keeping timely delivery schedules provides confidence to customers that reliability will be maintatined.That timely delivery schedules would prevent customers from seeking alternatives.
C: Meet the production needs of customers that I already have.
D': Not take the order and lose the possible future business

In order to Provide fast, reliable products to all customers. I must Improve the profitability of the division and the plant. and in order to Improve the profitability of the division and the plant. I must Modify the entire production schedule to meet a lucrative customer's needs.. But, in order to Provide fast, reliable products to all customers. I must also Meet the production needs of customers that I already have. and in order to Meet the production needs of customers that I already have. I must Not take the order and lose the possible future business. I can't both Modify the entire production schedule to meet a lucrative customer's needs. and Not take the order and lose the possible future business.

D-D'Taking the order under the terms stated would affect customers that I already have and prevent me from reaching the stated goals.That the terms of the customers arrangement can change, and that the current customers would be adversely affected by a small delay.
B-DThe customer requires the product faster than the normal production schedule.That the customer actually needs all of the products at that time, and that the customer will not accept any other terms.
C-D'Affecting customers I already have increases the potential of losing a customer.That small delays would not affect the current customers.
A-CKeeping timely delivery schedules provides confidence to customers that reliability will be maintatined.That timely delivery schedules would prevent customers from seeking alternatives.