Alex and Julie

Alex and Julie

B: Save the plant from being shut down
D: Spend more time at the plant
A: Have a comfortable family life
Click on the icons on the arrows to see assumptions and injections
C: Be a good husband and father
D': Spend more time at home with my family

In order to Have a comfortable family life I must Save the plant from being shut down and in order to Save the plant from being shut down I must Spend more time at the plant. But, in order to Have a comfortable family life I must also Be a good husband and father and in order to Be a good husband and father I must Spend more time at home with my family. I can't both Spend more time at the plant and Spend more time at home with my family.

D-D'There are only so many hours in the day and I cannot be in 2 places at once.I could be at home with my children when they are at home and go into work at night during the third shirt.
B-DI am the plant manager and it ultimatley falls on me to make the plant more profitable I could try to delegate jobs to some people that can spend more time at the plant.
C-D'I cannot be a good husband and father if I am away from my family.Make the absolute most of the time that I can spend with my family
A-BIf the plant gets shut down, I will not have a job and cannot provide for my familyI could find a job that demands less of my time
A-CMy children need a strong father figure, and i need to be a supportive husband.I could have Julie try and fill the roll of both father and mother.