example conflict
A: Provide effective & efficient testing
A-B: | Assumption(s) | Injection(s) |
non-commercial tool won't be effective or efficient | non-commercial tool could test effectively & efficiently for some tasks |
C: Use too many resources
D': Provide effective and efficient testing
In order to Provide effective & efficient testing I must Have to abandon image testing and in order to Have to abandon image testing I must abandon the commerical tool. But, in order to Provide effective & efficient testing I must also Use too many resources and in order to Use too many resources I must Provide effective and efficient testing. I can't both abandon the commerical tool and Provide effective and efficient testing.
Relation | Assumption(s) | Injection(s) |
A-B | non-commercial tool won't be effective or efficient | non-commercial tool could test effectively & efficiently for some tasks |