Movie or study

Movie or study

B: Be relaxed before the test
D: Go to the movie to relax
A: Pass the test
Click on the icons on the arrows to see assumptions and injections
C: Cover my study fully
D': Study for exam

In order to Pass the test we must Be relaxed before the test and in order to Be relaxed before the test we must Go to the movie to relax. But, in order to Pass the test we must also Cover my study fully and in order to Cover my study fully we must Study for exam. we can't both Go to the movie to relax and Study for exam.

D-D'The is limited time before the testIs there limited time? Can the study be done more effectively? Does the movie have to be a long one? Do you have to go out to the movies to relax?
B-DThis is how I want to relaxThere are other ways to relax.

C-D'It is essential proper revision is done. Next time we may consider starting our revision sooner
A-BBeing relaxed before a test can be useful, some students perform better when they are under pressure of revision and test.
A-CRevision must be done fully to pass the test.