Self Reliance

Self Reliance

B: be self reliant
D: Work for myself
A: Work for myself while providing for my family
Working for someone else doesn't allow for self reliance1.I can partner with some one who can help me become self reliant while I work for someone else
C: Provide a stable income for my family
D': Work for someone else

In order to Work for myself while providing for my family I must be self reliant and in order to be self reliant I must Work for myself. But, in order to Work for myself while providing for my family I must also Provide a stable income for my family and in order to Provide a stable income for my family I must Work for someone else. I can't both Work for myself and Work for someone else.

D-D'working for yourself requires an established brand - I cannot establish a brand while working for someone else.I can plan my day to work on my brand after I am done working for someone else.
B-DWorking for someone else doesn't allow for self reliance1.I can partner with some one who can help me become self reliant while I work for someone else
C-D'I can only provide a secure income by working for someone elseI can build a company while working for someone else
A-BI have to be self reliant to work for myself I can rely on others to help me be able to work for myself
A-CI cannot work for myself with out first providing for my familyI can do both at the same time - they do not have to be hierarchical.