Quit My Job

I am conflicted as to whether or not I should quit my job as Senior Resident Assistant on campus at UofL. On the one hand, if I quit, I can move home and be with my family. On the other hand, if I quit, I will have to commute to campus and I will lose my stipend.

B: be with family
D: quit my job and move home
A: figure out if I should quit my job or not.
it is important to be involved on campus.I can still be involved on campus without living on campus.
C: ensure my stipend and be involved on campus
D': keep my job so I can be involved on campus and receive a stipend

In order to figure out if I should quit my job or not. I must be with family and in order to be with family I must quit my job and move home. But, in order to figure out if I should quit my job or not. I must also ensure my stipend and be involved on campus and in order to ensure my stipend and be involved on campus I must keep my job so I can be involved on campus and receive a stipend. I can't both quit my job and move home and keep my job so I can be involved on campus and receive a stipend.

D-D'I cannot live at home and on campus at the same time. I would have to be able to live on campus, yet carve out significant time to stay at home with my family.
B-DI want to be close to my familymy family could cause stress on my academic life
C-D'it is important to be involved on campus.I can still be involved on campus without living on campus.
A-Bit is beneficial for my mental health. being close to resources on campus could benefit my mental health even more.
A-CMy stipend and involvement on campus is important, but so is my mental health and family. I would need to find involvement on campus that still allows me to live at home.