SSC Case

SSC Case

B: not actually fix the problem with the company because there may not be anything the senior VP can do except have the bug fixed with ITC.
D: not report the bug to the senior VP and try to fix the bug through the company
A: have the bug fixed before the team finishes this project and it makes an impact in the sales and profits
the senior VP may be able to get the bug fixed faster than I would be able tooIt could add to the problems that the senior VP already has
C: possibly not having the bug fixed in time and end up having to report it to the senior VP anyway.
D': report the bug to the senior VP before it becomes something that can't be fixed

In order to have the bug fixed before the team finishes this project and it makes an impact in the sales and profits I must not actually fix the problem with the company because there may not be anything the senior VP can do except have the bug fixed with ITC. and in order to not actually fix the problem with the company because there may not be anything the senior VP can do except have the bug fixed with ITC. I must not report the bug to the senior VP and try to fix the bug through the company . But, in order to have the bug fixed before the team finishes this project and it makes an impact in the sales and profits I must also possibly not having the bug fixed in time and end up having to report it to the senior VP anyway. and in order to possibly not having the bug fixed in time and end up having to report it to the senior VP anyway. I must report the bug to the senior VP before it becomes something that can't be fixed. I can't both not report the bug to the senior VP and try to fix the bug through the company and report the bug to the senior VP before it becomes something that can't be fixed.

D-D'I can't report the bug, but not report the bug at the same time. It's a decision I have to make myself.If I report the bug to the senior VP, he will think that I cannot handle some situations.
B-Dthis is possibly something that I can fix by contacting ITC and having them fix itcontacting ITC before the bug gets worse or goes on for too long
C-D'the senior VP may be able to get the bug fixed faster than I would be able tooIt could add to the problems that the senior VP already has
A-Bthe senior VP will probably do the same thing I would have to do, which is have it fixed through ITCIf the bug can be quickly fixed, I don't need to report it to the senior VP
A-Cthe bug will make an impact on sales and possible profitsget the bug fixed immediately