SSC Case Study

SSC Case Study

B: ensure others I am truly a team player
D: trust and respect my team's decision with not reporting the bug to the Senior VP.
A: Work with my team effectively to contribute to a successful project.
1. Reporting the issue could get a lot of people in trouble.
2. I could potentially lose my job.
1. Ensure no one would get in trouble before reporting the issue.
2. I could gain a lot of respect for doing the right thing.
C: have helped a business reach their full potential for success
D': go with my gut feeling and try to help the client.

In order to Work with my team effectively to contribute to a successful project. I must ensure others I am truly a team player and in order to ensure others I am truly a team player I must trust and respect my team's decision with not reporting the bug to the Senior VP.. But, in order to Work with my team effectively to contribute to a successful project. I must also have helped a business reach their full potential for success and in order to have helped a business reach their full potential for success I must go with my gut feeling and try to help the client.. I can't both trust and respect my team's decision with not reporting the bug to the Senior VP. and go with my gut feeling and try to help the client..

D-D'1. I cannot support my team's recommendation if I were to report the bugs to the Senior VP.
2. Reporting the issue would be going against my team's recommendation.
1. Discuss the situation with my team again to attempt to help them understand my thought process better which could change their minds about the recommendation to not report the bugs.
2. My team's recommendation may be wrong.
B-D1. Reporting the issue could get a lot of people in trouble.
2. I could potentially lose my job.
1. Ensure no one would get in trouble before reporting the issue.
2. I could gain a lot of respect for doing the right thing.
C-D'1. The main goal is helping the client reach their full success.
2. I want the client to respect me as an individual.
1. The main goal is helping the client's business they would not have done on their own.
2. The client will still respect me if I follow my team's recommendations.
A-CReaching full potential is a necessity to success.You may be successful without reaching full potential in entirely.