Workers attitude toward continuous improvement

Workers attitude toward continuous improvement

B: Contribute to the competitiveness of the company
D: Continuously improve our operations
A: Secure satisfying employment now and in the future
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C: Have something to work on all day
D': Not improve our operations

In order to Secure satisfying employment now and in the future we must Contribute to the competitiveness of the company and in order to Contribute to the competitiveness of the company we must Continuously improve our operations. But, in order to Secure satisfying employment now and in the future we must also Have something to work on all day and in order to Have something to work on all day we must Not improve our operations. we can't both Continuously improve our operations and Not improve our operations.

D-D'1. Both are mutually exclusive.
B-D1. Other companies improve, so if we don't, the company will actually be less competitive.
C-D'1. Improvements will typically mean lower processing and/or setup times and if the amount of sales stays constant and we improve, we will be the same number of workers to do work that now takes less time.
A-B1. If the company cannot compete with other manufacturers it will be shut down.
2. Management expects us to improve, those who don't improve may get fired.
A-C1. Idle workers will either get fired or made to do uninteresting jobs.1. If we can trust that management won't fire any workers or make idle workers do uninteresting jobs, we can make an effort to continuously improve.

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